Monday, October 29, 2012

24 weeks

I am well aware this picture doesn't show my babes very well but it was SO COLD and windy that it was the best I could do. This week was packed! I found a new doctor in Atlanta finally, and the appointment went really well on Thursday. Turns out Grayson is 1 pound 7 ounces and I swear half of that is his nose ;) I'm so incredibly excited, becoming a mom is starting to really hit me!

Such a cutie.

Saturday took every morsel of energy out of me! It was the annual Southeastern PugFest, and I'm convinced it was a little glimpse of heaven. So.many.pugs. A ton of them were in costume for Halloween, I honestly couldn't handle it! They had everything from pug races to contests, of which Zane won Best Trick! I couldn't believe it! I was shaking like a leaf in front of everyone while I was giving him commands. I don't know what happened to my comfortability on stage, but it's definitely gone! I wasn't even the one performing :-\

In other news, WE LEAVE FOR THE BEACH ON THURSDAY! I cannot contain my excitement! It's supposedly going to be sunny and in the mid 70's the ENTIRE time! I have a huge list of restaurants for us to try while we're down there, it's going to be awesome not cooking for 4 days!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

23 weeks

Grayson has found my rib cage! And he's showing no remorse. He has been super active these past couple of days, I was actually able to record him on my phone doing the worm through my stomach. It's been awesome seeing my belly move all around at night while he break dances. I can't wait for him to come out and show me all the moves he's learned.

As for symptoms, holy heartburn. Tropical Fruit Tums has become my new best friend. I didn't even know what heartburn felt like until pregnancy.  I wonder if the old wives' tale will be true and he'll come out all hair. Whatever the case, I hope he gets his daddy's wavy locks :)

Also, my dental hygiene has had to take quite the boost these days. If I don't mouthwash and floss daily, I feel like I haven't done anything! (I mean...I have always flossed...of course...). They're not kidding when they say pregnancy puts a damper on your dental health. Hopefully my teeth can keep up their good reputation and stay on point at check-ups!

I go in for my 24 week appointment on Thursday! Should be getting the scoop on the hospital and the classes and all that jazz, I can't wait! We're only 118 days away!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

22 weeks

This week has been relatively calm. My bellybutton is looking very odd and super shallow. Which has made for some easy cleaning sessions ;) I feel like a bottomless pit when it comes to eating and I swear my thirst is never quenched! Definitely feeling like an oompa loompa, but I know I have a looot more growing to do so bare with me as I witness my entire body turn into a marshmallow. If this is how I feel at Halloween, I'm doomed at Christmas!

One reason I may be feeling a little off today is because of the mayhem of a day I had yesterday. Now, all I did was throw in a couple loads of laundry, wash some dishes and make 12 adorable halloween cupcakes, but the number it did on my body is embarrassing! My tailbone was screaming, legs aching, and my back begging for a 24 hour break. It was terrible. I felt like I had just built an entire house. Okay, a house for Zane, but still, a house.

That's right. Nothing special, just 12 chocolate cupcakes with eyes. MURDERED me.

My hat goes off to all the working moms out there, I wouldn't last a day in your shoes!

So I'm feeling a little down to say in the least. It was nice wrapping up yesterday at an awesome Halloween party though. I camped out on a bench next to the bonfire making s'mores and watching The Adams Family while Matt drank delicious beer in front of me. Evil husband ;)

I will definitely be spending this Sunday cankles up, apple cider in hand, waiting for Revenge to come on so my brain can conjure up more psycho dreams about me being Emily Throne.

Ah, yes. Can't wait.

Monday, October 8, 2012

21 weeks

This week has been an absolute blast. Matt and I went to Moe's the other day to try and satisfy my Barberitos craving (I'm having major Athens withdrawls), and as soon as we sat down he told me he had a surprise. I went in instant shock mode and told him no, no, no whatever it is don't give it to me! He then took something out of his pocket and that's when I saw the Ticketmaster envelope. I, of course, began crying because my hormones wouldn't settle for anything less in the Moe's restaurant booth, and had a complete meltdown. My longest, favoritest artist's name was plastered right in front of my eyes...

I.freaked.out. This is definitely one for the bucket list and I can't wait to grace Grayson's ears with the beautiful voice of Regina Spektor. I hope he does some cartwheels in there, I know I'll be.

On Sunday, we went to Washington Farms and I was on cloud 9 the entire time. Something about farms and fall weather sends me to the moon. We first went to the petting zoo and I had a field day hearing the sounds of goats, cows, and pigs as I walked around playing paparazzi.

They're clearly use to this type of attention.

Then, we went to the pig races. By far the cutest/funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. These little guys were 9 weeks old and were not joking around about winning the race. I wanted to take all of them home with me, but Matt reminded me that we already have one named Zane.

We also went through a corn maze that took forever and a day that I would not recommend to anyone in the middle of their second trimester, I was looking for a bench made out of corn the entire time, but it was the most satisfying feeling walking through the exit (even if it was what felt like 5 hours later). We eventually made it to the concession stand and I downed an amazing cup of homemade farm fresh strawberry ice cream. All was worth it after that :) On our way out, we went through the pumpkin patch in search for the perfect pumpkin. I absolutely loved being able to pick one straight from the vine! It was overall the coolest experience and I cannot wait to go back next year with Grayson!