This week has been an absolute blast. Matt and I went to Moe's the other day to try and satisfy my Barberitos craving (I'm having major Athens withdrawls), and as soon as we sat down he told me he had a surprise. I went in instant shock mode and told him no, no, no whatever it is don't give it to me! He then took something out of his pocket and that's when I saw the Ticketmaster envelope. I, of course, began crying because my hormones wouldn't settle for anything less in the Moe's restaurant booth, and had a complete meltdown. My longest, favoritest artist's name was plastered right in front of my eyes...
I.freaked.out. This is definitely one for the bucket list and I can't wait to grace Grayson's ears with the beautiful voice of Regina Spektor. I hope he does some cartwheels in there, I know I'll be.
On Sunday, we went to Washington Farms and I was on cloud 9 the entire time. Something about farms and fall weather sends me to the moon. We first went to the petting zoo and I had a field day hearing the sounds of goats, cows, and pigs as I walked around playing paparazzi.
They're clearly use to this type of attention.
Then, we went to the pig races. By far the cutest/funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. These little guys were 9 weeks old and were not joking around about winning the race. I wanted to take all of them home with me, but Matt reminded me that we already have one named Zane.
We also went through a corn maze that took forever and a day that I would not recommend to anyone in the middle of their second trimester, I was looking for a bench made out of corn the entire time, but it was the most satisfying feeling walking through the exit (even if it was what felt like 5 hours later). We eventually made it to the concession stand and I downed an amazing cup of homemade farm fresh strawberry ice cream. All was worth it after that :) On our way out, we went through the pumpkin patch in search for the perfect pumpkin. I absolutely loved being able to pick one straight from the vine! It was overall the coolest experience and I cannot wait to go back next year with Grayson!
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