Saturday, September 8, 2012

17 weeks

17 weeks today! The feel goods of the second trimester are finally settling in! I have been trying to get back into taking the prenatal pills, and I'd say I've been taking them every other day (and gummies on days I don't feel well).

I got maternity clothes! And they are magical. I don't feel like the Hulk after a bad day anymore. It took an entire day, but Matt was a trooper and stuck it out. I reeeally wanted a certain pair of boots, but my calves measured an inch bigger than the whole circumference of the boot...story of my life. Thank you 13 years of ballet for ruining my chances of ever purchasing a boot worthwhile.

Now that all family and close friends know, I can finally announce that we are having a BOY! We found out at 13 weeks, 5 days and right when the doctor put the camera on my stomach I shouted, "It's a boy!" We are so excited to have pee everywhere to experience the joys of having a son. We have settled on Grayson Jon Moskal, although I do still have freak out moments wondering if Poindexter or Aloysius (yes that's a family name) would be a better fit. We are so excited to watch this fella grow, even now! I feel a kick every couple of days which sends me to the moon but I REALLY can't wait to feel him all the time. 

I have had the weirdest dreams every night. One night I dreamt that I was taking shots 7 months pregnant and then decided to take a break and eat Kit Kat bars with my dad. Another night, I had to choose between Joseph Gordon-Levitt and my husband. And of course I chose my Luvahub ;) They get weirder and weirder, between all my years at dance and Catholic middle school, my brain comes up with some interesting stories. Only if back then life was actually that cool...

Well tonight UGA plays Missouri and we're having the Moskals over for some delicious food on the grill. I made this trail mix that beckons Fall with every handful eaten. I could not find a better way to post this (the picture on Pinterest doesn't go to the right blog post) so hopefully everyone has good eyes, because this is so worth it.