Sunday, September 16, 2012

18 weeks

Happy one week 'til Fall everyone! I couldn't wait, I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte and it was everything I hoped it would be. Next on the list is finding Halloween costumes and decorating! I understand we're only in the middle of September, but I'm a sucker for advertisements and Target already has their Halloween display out so I'm hooked. I'm a little upset because pregnancy has put a major damper on my love for sweets, so now the only thing I crave is Kit Kat bars. Those don't even have caramel in them, let alone peanuts. What is happening to me...

A couple nights ago, Matt felt Grayson kick for the first time! It was so awesome feeling his little kick and then looking at Matt and Matt looking at me for confirmation. I'm so happy he finally got to experience his son for the first time (besides holding my hair while I throw up and running errands for foods neither one of us knew I liked). I can't believe how active this little guy has been! This was the first week I felt him out in public and not at home sitting a certain way at a certain time trying to decipher if it was really him or my stomach rumbling for more food.

Ah, food. The dish I made this week puts my mom's Stouffer's version to shame ;) First I made a homestyle meat sauce and had it with spaghetti. The next night, I took the leftover sauce and made a good ole Traditional Lasagna. Now the meat sauce recipe link isn't working, but the lasagna has its own recipe; it just hasn't been tried and true by a pregnant woman yet. I do change all the meat to turkey meat, Grayson can knock me off being a vegetarian but not that far off ;) 

My 18 week ultrasound is on Thursday! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. This pregnancy really has flown by since the 2nd trimester started. Grayson already has enough newborn clothes to last him a lifetime, AND thanks to his Gigi? Nana? Gram? (ya'll gotta help Matt's mom pick a name!) he has all the children's books a kid could ever want. It's the same books Matt had when he was little, so that already makes me tear up, I can only imagine what I'll feel when Matt is reading his books TO Grayson. Ah, I can't handle it.

Hopefully this week will consist of a lot of painting and bringing our nursery plans to reality. I can't believe how much this kid already has and it's only September. It's going to be a fun 5 months!

1 comment:

  1. ahh I'm tearing up reading this! I coudn't be happier for the two of you. Grayson just doesn't know how lucky he is!
