This is my favorite time of year! And thanks to Grayson I'm never cold! So long are the days of goosebumps and chattering teeth! If Matt and I have a night in, you can pretty much bet there's a fire going, cookies baking, and DVR clearing taking place. And as soon as the clock strikes 9:30 PM, we're all passed out on the couch. Ohhh have times changed.
I ordered our Christmas cards! Now I know people barely glance at them and toss them in a pile with the 923847 other cards they receive (maybe even use them as a nice fire starter), but I'm attached. There's something about sending mail to others that puts a huge smile on my face. Please bare with me the next, eh, 50 years.
Regina Spektor was SO GOOD. It was hilarious to me how much Grayson would move during certain songs and then be completely still during others. Maybe he'll recognize her voice outside the womb! Lord knows I play enough of her :)
So I am having the HARDEST time not shopping for this kid for the fall/winter months next year. Especially when Gap emails me every 5 seconds with all these 30% off deals, and then I go looking for more coupons, and then this happens...
But really, it could have been so much worse. Who says baby girls are more fun?! Boys can be just as exciting to dress up. Who am I kidding, as soon as baby Gray finds a mirror and understands what I'm doing to him it's going to be graphic tees, cargo shorts, long socks, and white tennis shoes. Oh well, all the more reason to soak it up as long as I can!
We're in the double digits! 95 days until D-Day!!!